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Objectives and Graduation Requirements

Northwood High School Objectives

The student will:

  1. Acquire a mastery of communication, computational, and scientific skills.
  2. Demonstrate a range of thinking skills: comprehension, application, synthesis, and evaluation.
  3. Develop technological literacy.
  4. Develop an understanding of the global interdependence of all peoples and societies.
  5. Form an appreciation of the arts and humanities.
  6. Acquire knowledge of our political and economic systems.
  7. Develop habits and skills that promote physical health, mental health, and independent living.
  8. Develop a positive attitude toward themselves and others.
  9. Establish personal learning goals and work toward their achievement.
  10. Attain the knowledge of how to learn, as a life-long skill.

Northwood High School Requirements


English - 4 credits (English 9, 10, 11, and 12)

Math - 4 credits (Including Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II)

Social Studies - 3 credits

(must include 1 credit of American History and 1 credit of American Government)

Science - 3 credits

(must include 1 credit of Biological Science and 1 credit Physical Science to the Chemistry/Physics level)

Career Search - 1/2 credit (Class of 2017 only)

Health - 1/2 credit

Physical Education - 1/2 credit (or completed waiver – see page 33)

Information Technology/Technology/ Fine Arts - 1 credit or two ½ credits

Electives - 4½ credits (Class of 2017); 5 credits (Class of 2018 and beyond)

21 credits


Letter Grades have the following numerical equivalents:

A+ Excellent (98.5 - 100)
A Excellent (94.5 - 98.4)
A- Excellent (92.5 - 94.4)
B+ Good (90.5 - 92.4)
B Good (84.5 - 90.4)
B- Good (82.5 - 84.4)
C+ Average (80.5 - 82.4)
C Average (71.5 - 80.4)
C- Average (69.5 - 71.4)
D+ Poor (67.5 - 69.4)
D Poor (61.5 - 67.4)
D- Poor (59.5 - 61.4)
F Failing (0.00 - 59.4)

Grade point averages in non-Honors classes will be computed according to the following scale.

A+ 4.33
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00

The following classes have been designated as Honors classes at Northwood High School:

- Honors Calculus 245/246

- Honors Pre-Calculus 243/244

- Honors Algebra II 235/236

- Honors Geometry 225/226

- Honors Algebra I 215/216

- Honors Advanced Chemistry 313/314

- Honors Senior English 153/154

- Honors Junior English 143/144

- Honors Sophomore English 133/134

- Honors Freshman English 123/124

Grades in these classes will be weighted as follows:

A+ 5.33
A 5.00
A- 4.67
B+ 4.33
B 4.00
B- 3.67
C+ 3.33
C 3.00
C- 2.67
D+ 2.33
D 2.00
D- 1.67
F .00

Northwood High School students may also attend Penta Career Center. For 50 years, Penta Career Center has provided career-technical training programs for high school students in the member school communities. Penta offers a focused, career-oriented education to prepare students for college, a career, the military, or wherever their paths may lead. In addition, students learn what is expected in the world of work.

Northwood Local Schools works in conjunction with the Wood County Educational Service Center and Children’s Resource Center to provide a continuum of services for the students in our district. In addition to our state of the art facility and quality academics offered on our campus, students have access to specialized programming, counseling services and online academics as well as needed. We are fortunate to have access to these programs to adequately individualize to our students needs.

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